Monday, July 27, 2009

Gap and Go Post from a reader - MYL short

Here is a Gap-n-Go for today's weak opening: This was sent to me by a reader. As you can see from my previous post my charts where all @#$% up today. Nice trade.

Stock: MYL, 10-min, Gap and Go (bearish)

Entry Bar: 2

Entry Green Line: 12.85

Stop Red Line: 13.15

Result: 0.30-0.89

Setup Grade: B+

Notes: Sold 1/2 @ 1R (12.55), sold the next 1/4 @2R (12.25), sold the next 1/8@ 3R (11.94) and tried the let the rest run, but stopped out @ 12.07 (green WRB)

Learn to trade gaps

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