Thursday, September 30, 2010

Swing Trade - Short S&P 500 index

Getting more request to post swing trades and Emini....this is what I will focus on with the blog for the near future.

Daily Chart

5 minute chart to time entry

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Stock:SDS Ultra short S&P 500 (if index goes down this ETF goes Up)
Entry Bar: Timed entry using 5 minute chart
Time Frame: Daily using 5 minute chart to help time entry

Entry Green Line
: 29.00
Stop Red Line: A close below 28.73
Notes: We have had a huge run over the past month. Looking for a pullback at least half way. Nice risk/reward area. Will take stop with a close below the low of 28.73. What I liked is we are finally consolidating after the run.....can go one of two ways....break out up or breakdown/down.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

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