Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Emini Opening Gap Fade - ES

5 Minute Chart - Entered at the Open

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: Market order at the open Long
Entry Green Line: 1202
Stop Red Line
: 1197
: 1207.75...plus 5.75 points

Notes: I have mentioned before that I use Master the Gap to determine if I will fade the opening stock index's. Master the gap gives probabilities for gaps closing every day based on patterns, seasonality and market conditions. I use these probabilities and other indicators to determine if I will fade a gap. I make maybe 4 or 5 trades a month using these probabilities. It gives me another setup but you must be patient.

Besides the favoring numbers and I also took into account the "bullmarket" and win ratio. I targeted the low of the previous day and got real lucky as it rolled over before hitting my target. Anther lesson in setting your target and not getting greedy. The greedy one's got it handed to them today.

Posting a trade from a reader over on the face book site as well. A ten minute gap and go.

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