Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Pacific

While I've said Day Trading is the greatest game ever invented, having to compete with and out think thousands of traders world wide. All while maintaining your discipline through patience and focus, nothing compares to the game of war...the game of combat.

This new 10 part mini-series called the PACIFIC is a true story much like the series BAND OF BROTHERS. About real heroes who fought across the Pacific Ocean for this great country in World War II. The war wasn't won in a day, or a month or even a took many years and multiple setbacks but the perseverance was unstoppable.

This is no different in becoming a successful day trader. Take it one day at time (much like the Americans took it one island at a time). Don't look at the $$$ just focusing on learning and taking baby steps (a doctor doesn't become a master surgeon in a month)....much like the turtle and the hair..too many traders get whipped out thinking its a sprint and not a marathon.

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