Monday, November 30, 2009

No Trade Today = Victory

Never thrilled about trading after a short trading day (Fridays markets closed at 1PM)

Nothing setup so I passed on the day after observing for the first few hours.

Now many novice traders will look at this as a defeat. I can remember this feeling when I was learning to trade. I had the mindset that I had to make a trade or I wasn't being productive...which in terms of dollars usually meant a loss on the day.

This is actually a victory in four accounts.
  1. You preserved your capital
  2. You didn't lose money
  3. You control the mindset of Greed, by maintaining your discipline
  4. You gained another day of experience by watching how the markets move without paying a tuition.
A reader sent me this, in a way sad but true. Fort Hood was quite disturbing and political correctness paid a big price.

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