Monday, October 13, 2008

Squeeze - UWM

5 minute chart

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Stock: UWM - pro shares Ultra
Entry Bar: Green always
Entry Green Line: 27.98
Stop Red Line: 27.73
Result: sell 1/2 1R, stop to even trail rest with 8ema, scale out 1/4 ar 2R option -
Notes: This is a setup I have been experimenting for some time. I take very few trades and that is why I am succesful. I will not add this setup to my business plan unless it proves consistent and profitable for some time. With any new setup you risk little and work your way as you succeed. I have been experimenting with this setup for about 4 months.
I only use this setup with the ProShares Ultra - - these double the daily performance of the the index they track.
More or less I wait for the Bollinger Bands to come out of the Keltner channels, look to see if there is some sort of consolidation on the 5 minute chart. I have more criteria but this is just a preview (must be above their 8 & 21 to go long). Will share in the coming weeks as they setup.

Learn to trade gaps

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