Saturday, August 30, 2008

Now this is Real Change - Sarah Palin

Not a fan of either canidate but this lady is Quite Impressive - This is real change far from the average polictian that Obama and McCain represent.

- Didn't attend a fancy prep school for High School
- Was rasied in a small town not in Hawaii
- Attended Idaho State not a fancy Ivy league school
- Took on her own party by herself to run for office because as a mom was fed up -
- Had a 5th child whom she knew had down syndrome before he was born. With political career on the line could have aborted but stuck to her beleifs. Then went back to work the week after the child was born!!
- Has NO attachements from main stream Washington - was a soccer mom and on the PTA!!
- Got rid of her governor jet and scaled back on security to save the state money, did not milk the system
- Sticks to her guns unlike flipper and flopper that are running now for office
- Has run a state unlike Obama and McCain and has actually balanced a budget!
- Not tied into corporate America or a clueless lawyer running for office
- Son is in the military, will not be quick to pull the trigger
- Just the average american with no questionable associations
Finally an outsider who may shake things up!!
Here is an interested read on Sarah Palin:

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