Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gap Fade Long - APC

Daily Chart

5 minute chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 2
Time Frame: 5 minute

Entry Green Line
Stop Red Line
: 34.84
Result: .40 to 1.40
Setup Grade
: B+
: Gap down into prior low....Nice 5 minute hammer off the prior daily low. Scale as you go and get the stop to even.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gap and Go short - AMZN

5 minute chart

Daily Chart breakdown

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 2
Time Frame: 5 minute trade

Entry Green Line: 115.20 SHORT
Stop Red Line
: 116.48
Result: 1.00 to 3.00
Setup Grade
: A-
Notes: Scale as you go, nice break down on daily consolidation prior day on the 5 minute chart.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Free Fall - AMZN - same hour small loss -

5 minute chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 6
Time Frame:
5 minute

Entry Green Line
: 113.27

Stop Red Line
: 112.29
Result: small loss stop
Setup Grade
: B
:Dumped right when news came up....moved stop to low of last 5 minute bar

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Monday, June 28, 2010

1 minute chart - AFL

Daily - Hammer from previous day gap up

5 minute chart - prior day consolidation

1 minute chart - Double Dynamite small hammer

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Stock: AFL
Entry Bar: 4
Time Frame:
One Minute
Entry Green Line: 44.39
Stop Red Line
: 44.17
: up to .54
Setup Grade
: B+
: Scale as you go and get your stop to even. Daily had a nice hammer and it consolidated the prior day (see 5 minute chart). Small gap and a double bar hammer set up...almost wedge like. As hold a little after getting stop to even to see if you can catch a nice gainer. In this case would have been stopped out but it ran later on.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

1 minute chart gap Fade - FFIV

One Minute Chart

Daily Chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar:6
Time Frame: one minute

Entry Green Line: 72.60
Stop Red Line
: 71.99
Result: 1.00 to 2.20
Setup Grade
: B+
Notes: Strong daily chart, nice consolidation at 5 minute high. Could use a tighter stop.....scale as go stop to entry.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1 minute chart - YUM

1 minute chart

Daily Chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 9
Time Frame: One minute chart

Entry Green Line
: 42.76
Stop Red Line: could have picked one of 3 places .63, .54, .42,
: even to .21 if managed correctly and depending on your risk factor
Setup Grade
: B
: Room on the daily to move, strong open for overall markets....scale as you go..small push and roll over...but still a winner.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Monday, June 14, 2010

One Minute Chart - ARUN

Daily Chart

5 minute chart

One Minute Chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 21
Time Frame: one minute chart

Entry Green Line
: 14.46
Stop Red Line: LOD or 14.39
Setup Grade
: A-
Notes: Scale and let some run all day...strong daily chart.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Quote of the Week

"Being the first to cross the finish line makes you a winner in only one phase of life. Its what you do after you cross the line that really counts." - Ralph Boston

Friday, June 11, 2010

One minute Chart - ESRX


1 Minute Chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 9
Time Frame: One Minute Chart

Entry Green Line: 52.86
Stop Red Line
: 52.49 or more aggressive 52.61
Result: .25 to 1.00
Setup Grade
: A-
Notes: very nice daily breakout and congestion on the one minute chart at the open. Scale as you go.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gap and Go Short - CVC

5 minute chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Stock: CVC
Entry Bar: 2
Time Frame: 5 minute chart

Entry Green Line
: 22.94 SHORT

Stop Red Line
: 23.41
Result: .30 to .92
Setup Grade
: B

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

30 Minute Breakout - NEM

1 minute chart

5 Minute Chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 7
Time Frame: 5 using 1 minute charts

Entry Green Line: 56.37
Stop Red Line
: 56.14
: Still running
Setup Grade
: B+
Notes: Scale as you go and stop to entry..hold some until close....Great example of using the one minute charts to help time and confirm your entry. At least 3 times it banged on the 30 minute high.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

30 Minute Candlestick Breakdown - MT

Daily Chart

30 Minute Chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 4
Time Frame: 30 minute

Entry Green Line
:27.99 SHORT

Stop Red Line
: 28.37
Result:.19 to .64
Setup Grade
: B
Notes: Here is a setup from Friday for longer time frames.Scale hold some all day.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Quote of the Week

" Its a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you often get it." - W. Somerset Maugham..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gap and Go Short- GD

One Minute Chart

5 Minute Chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Entry Bar: 2
Time Frame: 5 minute chart

Entry Green Line
: 66.39 SHORT

Stop Red Line
: 67.18 (or use one minute for more aggressive)
Result: .25 to .44
Setup Grade
: B
Notes: Looking for a short with relativley weak as of late. Still must be careful shorting against resistance with the gap up. Scale out and quick single by trailing your stop to break even.

* The setup grade is based on rules outlined in my business plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on.