Thursday, July 31, 2008

E-Mini Opening Gap Fade - ES

5 minute chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)

E-mini: ES (S&P 500 futures)
Entry Green Line: At the Open - 9 point Goal
Stop Red Line: 7 point stop
Result: 9 points - sell once gap is filled

Notes: I take these from time to time pending on multiple factors. Indices have a high tendency to fill some point during the day. SSO and SDS are also good for fading the open with.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

30 Minute Inside Bar - AVP

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)

Stock: AVP 30 minute chart
Entry Bar: 8
Entry Green Line: 42.61
Stop Red Line: 42.24
Result: .78 to 1.51 - about a 4R gainer
Setup Grade
: B+
Notes: Little late in the day but nice setup and support from the 5ema

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gap & Go 5 minute - SAP

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Stock: SAP 5 minute chart
Entry Bar: 2
Entry Green Line: 57.57
Stop Red Line: 57.06
Result: .25 to 1.40
Setup Grade
: A-
Notes: Scale out, let some run all day with the market - tried the black background let me know if you prefer the black or white background.

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

Double Dynamite - EME

15 minute chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Stock: EME 15 minute chart
Entry Bar: 13
Entry Green Line: 29.72
Stop Red Line: 29.50
Result: .42 to 1.40 ... hold all day 5R plus gainer
Setup Grade
: B
Notes: Little late in the day but sets up nicely, also set up on the 30 minute chart

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

Monday, July 28, 2008

15 minute Breakdown - RSG

15 Minute Chart

(Double Click Picture for a Larger View)
Stock: RSG 15 minute chart
Entry Bar: 7
Entry Green Line: 32.14 Short
Stop Red Line: above the 4th bar - 32.27
Result: .33 to .54 - 1R plus if you are scaling out
Setup Grade
: B-
Notes: Stop above 200EMA to give it a little room, scale out as you go, would be stopped out of the remaining shares you held if you held till the close.

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Quote of the Day

" A bull market tends to bail you out of all your mistakes.
Conversely , bear markets make you PAY for your mistakes"
- Richard Russell

30 Day Free Trail to Market Club Click Here

Friday, July 25, 2008

Double Dynamite - NUVA

15 minute chart

Stock: NUVA 15 minute chart
Entry Bar: 8
Entry Green Line: 52.71
Stop Red Line: 52.39
Result: .64 to 2.29 - 7R gainer
Setup Grade
: A-
Notes: Scale out, hold some all day, nice 2 bar setup

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

30 Day Free Trail to Market Club Click Here

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Gap& Go Short - DAI

5 Minute Chart

Stock: DAI 5 minute chart
Entry Bar: 2
Entry Green Line: 60.44 Short
Stop Red Line: 61.04
Result: .48 to 1.06--- about 1R total
Setup Grade
: B+
Notes: Scale out, held about 1/4 to close but stopped out at my entry point. Nice quick gainer

* Sold the last of my WM in the IRA, in cash now - so end result was 50% gain in FNM and 50% gain in selling half of WM and 10% gain in selling the last half.

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

30 Day Free Trail to Market Club Click Here

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gap & 123 pullback - ZMH

15 Minute Chart

Stock: ZMH 15 minute chart
Entry Bar: 6
Entry Green Line: 66.84 Short
Stop Red Line: 67.31
Result: .22 to 1.39 - 2R gainer if you held to close
: B+
Notes: Sweet this one out for a while but in the end a gainer. Nice support from the 5EMA

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

30 Day Free Trail to Market Club Click Here

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Gap & Go 10 minute - COV

Stock: COV 10 minute chart
Entry Bar: 2
Entry Green Line: 50.01
Stop Red Line: 49.83 - agressive play, LOD for conservative play
Result: .10 to .80
Setup Grade
: B+
Notes: Scale out and hold some till the close.

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

30 Day Free Trail to Market Club Click Here

Monday, July 21, 2008

Wedge Buster - NTES

15 minute chart

Stock: NTES 15 minute bar
Entry Bar: 4
Entry Green Line: 21.93
Stop Red Line: 21.76
Result: .18 to .57...2.5R
Setup Grade
: B
Notes: Scale out and let it run all day.

* The grade is for the setup outlined in my buseinss plan & not for the end result. Feel free to post any trades you made today that you would like commented on

30 Day Free Trail to Market Club Click Here